In ancient times ajwain was one of the most common cooking ingredients and held a lot of medicinal purposes as well. It is an inseparable part of Indian cooking as well as Middle Eastern and African cuisine till date.
Thought to have come originally from Persia, which is now known as Iran, this spice or plant is very commonly used along with several other spices and plants for the purpose of cooking and adding aroma and tempering to various dishes. Some people think that it originated from Turkey which was then called Asia Minor. From there this plant came to India and it is now grown in the Middle East along with North Africa in huge quantities.
It is popular because of its very strong and bitter aroma which is very much similar to that of thyme. When combined with other edible ingredients, this is something that is going to give your food an astounding and beautiful mix of flavours and tastes. It is also used extensively in Ayurvedic and Siddha medicine to treat numerous health-related issues. But the benefits of this plant/seed do not end here. Let us examine how ajwain/carom from Modern Agro available at Kudrat Kart seeds can make a difference in your overall health and life in the following section.
1. Bid Farewell To Acidity And Indigestion
This is known as one of the most crucial benefits of this seed. Ask your mum to use a bit of carom powder every time she prepares food. It is going to boost your digestive function and keep all of your family members healthy. Ajwain is known to release gastric juices inside your stomach that make your digestion easier. Just a teaspoon of it along with half a teaspoon of ginger powder is going to do wonders for your digestive system. You can take this mix especially if you are exhibiting acute symptoms of acidity and burning sensation in your food pipe.
2. Relief From Arthritis Pain
This must have come as a surprise to you. Carom seeds from Modern Agro can help you sooth your swelling and get rid of your arthritis pain. You can also grind it into a paste and apply it on your skin right at the joints where the pain has made your life difficult. In addition to this, you can take a warm carom-water bath and see the difference the next morning.
3. Get Guaranteed Treatment Of Common Cold At Home
Whether you have any nasal blockage in the early morning hours or probably feeling mucus discharging out of your nose unexpectedly, you can include carom powder in your diet. Make a paste out of ajwain powder and jaggery by heating them together. You can also add a bit of honey to the mix and take two teaspoons of it at least twice a day. You can also get rid of your respiratory problems and asthma including bronchitis and other breathing issues and migraine headache in many cases.
4. Chase Away Tooth Ache
Tooth ache tends to extend to your ears and facial muscles as well. A few drops of carom oil are going to do the trick. If you want instant relief from any such facial pains and aches you can also add a bit of carom powder in lukewarm water and do gargles with it before you go to bed. Adding a bit of salt to one teaspoon of ajwain and taking it in dry form can also relieve you of several stomach-related problems. It will also take care of your oral hygiene if you do it on a regular basis.
You can easily buy this in both seed and powder form at your nearest grocery store. If you do not want to get out of your house, you can also order it online on Kudrat Kart. Don't forget to look for the Modern Agro label to ensure its authenticity and flavour.
Carom/ajwain from Kudrat Kart will be usually sold to you in bulk or maybe in plastic bags. You will have to transfer it to a clean and dry glass container. These are ideal for the spice and can keep them aromatic and fresh for the longest period of time. Store these containers in a dry and cool place for prolonged use.
* We usually deliver products within
6-10 working days.
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